
1Africa is a nonprofit network dedicated to the peaceful unification of Africa and to support the Goals and Priorities of the African Union:

1) A Prosperous Africa, based on Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development.

2) An Integrated Continent Politically united and based on the ideals of Pan Africanism and the vision of African Renaissance.

3) An Africa of Good Governance, Respect for Human Rights, Justice and the Rule of Law.

4) A Peaceful and Secure Africa.

5) Africa with a Strong Cultural Identity, Common Heritage, Values and Ethics.

6) An Africa Whose Development is people driven, relying on the potential offered by African People, especially its Women and Youth, and caring for Children.

7) An Africa as A Strong, United, Resilient and Influential Global Player and Partner.

These are the Goals  & Priorities of Agenda 2063. By supporting 1Africa, we’re working towards achieving these goals sooner than later.

The Founding Fathers of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).